“We meet ourselves time and again in a thousand disguises on the path of life.”

- Carl Jung

my story

“the unplanned life transition”

Like the quote above, I have met myself time and again in the different chapters of my life so far.

After over a decade of working as a licensed psychotherapist in various hospital settings and having an extensive background in the clinical field, I worked with patients and their families during the most intense transformations of their lives.

I’ve witnessed their incredible initiations into a new way of living.

And in every circumstance, change and transition were along for the ride.

It wasn’t until I experienced an unplanned life transition that changed the course of my life…

I left my clinical position, landing in the unknown and not having a clue what to do next.

My body, mind, and heart were on overdrive.

Not only was I running on empty from being a part of the hospital environment during the COVID-19 pandemic, but I was burnt out and not aligned in what I wanted, and needed, in my day-to-day life.

Everything in the few months leading up to that decision showed me signs that I made the best decision for me, and I fully realized this post-departure, further along in my grieving process.

“multi-layered grief and loss”

After leaving my job, I went through mental, emotional, financial, and relationship struggles.

All of which, stewed together, felt like a spiritual minefield.

It shook me to my core.

Deep inside, I knew this change was something that needed to happen.

And most importantly, I needed to change.

The work I felt passionately for, quickly transitioned into a different season in my life, and I was grieving the loss of what this meant for me at the time.

During the aftermath of this multi-layered loss, I sat more closely with my grieving process. I wanted to learn more about grief, alongside meditation and mindfulness practices, to ground me in my experience. Having my therapist and other kindred souls guide and help me with my journey was also a tremendous support.

“going in circles”

Born from my hunger for learning, and in true synchronicity, I found and signed up for a few programs that eventually led to my becoming a Certified Grief Educator and Meditation and Breathwork Teacher, respectively.

With what I learned and more direct personal experiences in meditation groups, I started offering 1:1 guided meditation sessions.

I really enjoyed meeting new clients and helping them with their meditation practices, and this offering felt needed, for me and the clients I supported, at the time.

And yet, this catapulted me into another circuitous phase of my process.

While experiencing almost every emotion on the emotional feelings wheel, I came to meet myself again and my next path slowly, often unexpectedly, and in circles.

“creative healing arts for whole person self-care”

During these unexpected turns on my path, that was when art, poetry, astrology, and journaling became a part of my growth and nestled gently into my everyday life.

During this time, I reclaimed and remembered the answers I needed, which have greatly enriched my life, all thanks to the support of those practices and wise mentors who came at their own divine time.

My passion for art and writing has taken center stage. The art, designs, and poetry on these pages are a testament and home to my creations. (Honestly, I can’t believe it’s all on the pages! Truly surreal.)

Then, another unexpected loss of a friend came into my experience, and I found myself in my grief…..again.

But this time around, I felt different. Something had shifted.

I wanted to respond, not react, to this sudden news.

In honor of my childhood friend and to support my grieving process, I published my first poetry book, Gold Embraces Midnight. To learn more, click HERE.

This creation was a painful and rewarding birthing process in itself. I hope it can be a source of reflection for you in your grieving process and where you are on your journey.

“guidance on life transitions and life seasons”

The rediscovery and remembrance of what I can create in my daily life have led to my reverence and understanding of life’s changing seasons and transitions.

As life transitions mentor, mental health expert, author, artist, and creator…

I hope my insights, offerings, writing, art and poetry inspire you to bravely embrace those initiations of change, knowing the vast possibilities you create in your life.

To Your Growth,


through my offerings, I’m here to help you be in empowerment and build resiliency as you flow in rhythm with the ongoing life transitions in your journey ahead.


  • Over 10+ years as a licensed psychotherapist, more specifically Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist - CA, and activities therapist on various hospital unit settings. During this time working at the hospital, I was a clinical individual and group supervisor to LMFT associates gaining LMFT licensure.

    Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in California, USA

    Certified Grief Educator - David Kessler's Certified Grief Educator Training Program

    Master's Degree MA from University of San Francisco in Counseling Psychology - Marriage and Family Therapy

    For more details, please go to LinkedIn to view my profile and connect with me!


  • Health and wellness expert offering guided meditation and breathwork sessions - WellMeRight

    Intuitive Healing Arts Practitioner - Sherene Vismaya

    Certified Meditation Teacher - Mindful Purpose Institute

    Certified Breathwork Teacher - Mindful Purpose Institute

    Certified Tarot Reader - Mindful Purpose Institute

  • Certified Astrologer - Mindful Purpose Institute

    To be continued on learning and practicing various forms of astrology!

“When you are up against a wall, put down roots like a tree, until clarity comes from deeper sources to see over that wall and grow.”

― Carl Jung